April 12, 2010


getting more && more addicted to dramas. tak padan ngan nak final exam; still jugak sibuk nak menghadap laptop dari pagi sampai pagi besoknya..

currently very busy watching && downloading these:

personal taste/personal preference.
starring: Lee MinHo ♥
best gile. baru episod 4; tapi sangat addictive..

down with love.
a Taiwanese drama starring Jerry Yan [pure hotness] && Ella Chen. hilarious! kelakar && sangat best citer nihh. they look great together.. :)

oh! my lady.
starring Choi Siwon of Super Junior. tak tengok lagi sebenarnya, tapi tengah sibuk mendownload. sekarang baru sampai episod 6..

east asian dramas are very addictive. there's nothing else i could say.. :)

April 4, 2010

Eunhyuk's Birthday!!

happy 24th birthday to Lee Hyuk-jae a.k.a Eunhyuk; the silver of Super Junior.
may the angels protect you, troubles neglect you && god bless you in everything you do.
you'll always be loved.
many happy returns to you.